Frequently Asked Questions

Answers to frequently asked questions

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What is Lonely?

Lone is a foundation that supports you as a temporary worker. We were created by employers and unions to help you work healthy, safe and enjoyable with support for your career, learning and money matters.

Our goal is to provide you with the right tools and knowledge so you can do your job with confidence and enjoyment. Whether you are just starting out as a temp or have been working in the industry for years, we are here to support you.

What can I apply for through Lonely?

You can apply for various reimbursements through Lone, for example:

  • Budget for training or education if you want to work with professional development and personal growth
  • A workout for less stress and more energy so you feel better about yourself
  • Retraining or retraining to another profession for new career opportunities
  • Help with your money matters with a Budget Coach

Can I take or book training at Lone?

Lone is not a training institute, but it does offer support and reimbursements that make training possible. Are you curious what reimbursements these are? Check it out here or find out which reimbursement suits you by taking the quiz.

Are Doorzaam's budgets really free?

Doorzaam's benefits are 100% free for temporary workers. This is possible thanks to contributions from temporary employment organizations to the Social Fund for the Temporary Employment Industry (SFU) and Spending Obligations from these organizations.

As a result, nothing is deducted from your salary. So you can take advantage of the support and benefits we provide at no cost.

Do I have a personal training budget?

Temporary employment agencies are required by the collective bargaining agreement to spend a budget on training for temporary workers. How and to whom this budget is spent is up to them.

As a temp, you can always ask what training opportunities your temp agency has available for you. In addition, you may be eligible for one of the benefits offered on our website. Want to find out if you qualify? Read all about it here.

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Getting Started

Ready to work on yourself, your future or your job prospects?

Find out within 1 minute which budget is best for you.

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An illustration of someone thinking.

Grow in your work and increase your job opportunities.

View our budgets
An illustration of money bills.
A temporary worker wearing safety glasses working on a piece of wood.