Development Budget

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Did you know that as a temporary worker you can use the Doorzaam Development Budget of €2,500 for your personal development?

What at first seemed like a hopeless situation turned into a reason to want to work again. And that through Doorzaam and my temp agency!
Cask processor
Active Works
At such a time when you are at a loss and have given up hope, it is good to work on yourself.
Then you get an opportunity, just out of the blue. Doorzaam means a lot to me. I can reach my goal together with them. A gift from heaven.
Truck driver
About Doorzaam

Interested in a budget? This is what applying looks like

Check if you qualify

Are you employed as a temporary worker? Then you can apply for a free budget!

An illustration of a person calling.

Apply for the budget in 1 minute

Please leave your details via the application form. We will contact you via WhatsApp, phone or email to go over some details and answer questions.

An illustration of a person working at a computer.

Send your paycheck & claim your compensation

You will receive approval for the budget when all submitted information is in order. You can then get started on your free budget.

An illustration of money bills.

Questions or comments? Please contact Roos!

Why the Development Budget is for you

This budget offers solutions to common challenges such as financial stress, an unhealthy lifestyle or lack of up-to-date skills in the job market. Consider financial coaching, lifestyle advice or a course or training.

Make sure you can stay healthy, safe at work. And can continue to develop yourself, now and in the future.

Follow training, courses or education with our budget of up to €2,500‍‍

Receive financial coaching, lifestyle advice or a course/training with a value of up to €2,500. This helps address financial stress, health issues and improve outdated skills.

  • Take training, courses or education up to €2,500.
  • Decide what you want to learn (both business and personal) and improve your skills at your pace.
  • Increase your job opportunities and prepare well for the future.

Decide what you want to learn, both business and personal

Work with a coach to determine how best to use your personal budget for your development. This will help you cope better with challenges in finance, health and work.

Increase your job opportunities and prepare well for the future

There is no obligation to take a course or training; your time is all it costs. Find out how the Doorzaam Development Budget can help you overcome obstacles and create a better future.

Questions or comments? Please contact Roos!

Apply for budget

Apply for reimbursement Development Budget in 1 minute

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Phone number is required.
Staffing organization is required.
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Thank you for applying for the budget! We will contact you through your preferred channel.
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Stay informed

Currently, the fee Development Budget is at

The budget for this reimbursement has run out. Want to know when new budget is available again? Keep an eye on our website or sign up for our newsletter. You can do both, of course.


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By signing up, you agree to our privacy policy and terms and conditions.
Thank you for subscribing to our newsletter. You will hear from us via email as soon as this fee is available again.
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Frequently Asked Questions

Answers to frequently asked questions

Is your question not listed? Then please contact Roos. We are happy to help you!

Who is the Development Budget for?

The Development Budget is available to all temporary workers who want to invest in their personal and professional development. Whether you have financial difficulties, want to improve your health, or update your skills, the Development Budget provides the support you need.

How long does it take before I can use my Development Budget after applying?

After approving your application, a coach will contact you within five working days to schedule your first (online) appointment.

Do I have to take a course or training to use the Development Budget?

No, taking a course or training is not mandatory. Together with a coach you determine how you can best use your personal budget of €2500 for your development. This can also be done through coaching conversations or lifestyle advice without following a course.

Why is Doorzaam free?

Doorzaam's budgets are free for temporary workers. This is possible thanks to payments from temporary employment agencies to the Social Fund for the Temporary Employment Industry (SFU) and spending obligations of temporary employment agencies. So nothing is deducted from your salary.

Who funds Doorzaam?

Doorzaam is funded by payments to the Social Fund for the Temporary Employment Industry (SFU), which come from temporary employment agencies as part of their collective bargaining obligations.

Decision aid

Need help choosing the right budget?

Find out within 1 minute which budget is best for you.

Take the quiz
An illustration of someone thinking.

Questions? Please contact us. We'd love to help!

Get in touch
An illustration of a person making a phone call.
A temporary worker wearing safety glasses working on a piece of wood.