General terms and conditions byzaam
Article 1: Definitions.
- Lone: The Lone Foundation, hereinafter referred to as Lone.
- Employee/ temporary worker hereinafter referred to as temporary worker: the person who has entered into an employment contract within the meaning of Article 7:690 of the Dutch Civil Code.
Article 2: To whom do these conditions apply?
1. These conditions apply to all reimbursements from Doorzaam, such as the Training Voucher, the Development Budget, the Opportunity Budget, the Less Stress More Energy Program, Budget Coaching and the Dutch Language Budget.
2. When the temporary worker uses our fees, agreement is also given to these terms and conditions.
Article 3: Conditions for participation
- The temporary worker is employed by a staffing organization in Phase A|B or 1-2|3;
- Temporary workers who are sick for a long time cannot participate in this program, even if the staffing agency continues to pay their wages;
- The temporary worker is motivated to participate and keeps appointments;
- Temporary employees may submit one claim per year per allowance unless otherwise specified;
- When the temporary worker applies for multiple allowances in one calendar year, a new allowance such as a Training Voucher, Opportunity Voucher and Development Budget cannot be applied for until the other allowance has been fully completed. This means that the training has been booked and paid for by Lone;
- All allowances may be requested every calendar year. With the exception of the Development Budget, this may be requested by the temporary worker every 2 calendar years.
Article 4: Payment and validity.
- The temporary worker must provide all requested information correctly and completely in order to be reimbursed.
- Fees cannot be exchanged for cash.
- The temporary worker does not receive a residual cash amount.
- Lone may verify the information provided and withdraw a reimbursement if it does not meet the conditions.
Article 5: Liability
Lone is not responsible for work performed by others under these fees.
Article 6: Final provision
If these conditions do not provide for anything, the Board of Doorzaam will decide.
Training vouchers
Article 1 - Definitions.
Persistent 3.
The Doorzaam Foundation, hereinafter referred to as Doorzaam.
Employee/ temporary employee hereinafter referred to as temporary employee
The person, who has entered into an employment contract in the sense of Art. 7:690 of the Civil Code.
Training voucher 5.
An allowance worth €500 for the training of the temporary worker.
Article 2 - Terms and Conditions of Training Voucher
(1) The temporary worker is employed by a staffing organization in Phase A|B or 1-2|3.
The temporary worker has an educational level of up to MBO4.
(3) The temporary worker is motivated to participate in the program.
(4) The temporary worker has no other valid applications for other compensation with Doorzaam at the time of application.
5. The temporary worker must make a training choice at his own discretion. However, this training must contribute to the temporary worker's current or future work.
6. The Training Voucher may be used for multiple training courses, up to a maximum of €500.
(7) The Training Voucher cannot be used for training costs incurred before the issue date of the Training Voucher.
(8) One Training Voucher may be applied for per temporary worker per calendar year.
Article 3 - Terms of training
(1) Approved training providers may be used for training institutions. These may include, for example:
a. ROCs;
b. Cedeo certified trainers;
c. Educators who are members of NRTO;
d. Training providers offering certified training;
e. Educators offering industry-recognized training.
(2) The training must not be internal training of the staffing organization or client.
3. The trainer must be based in the Netherlands.
4. The Training Voucher may not be used for training at the temporary worker's own training parties of the temporary organization for which the temporary worker works, or training parties that belong in any way to the temporary organization (such as a sister organization).
5. Driving licenses A, AM and B are not reimbursed. Other types of licenses are possible (e.g. BE, T or C).
The Scholingsvoucher may be used for career advice at a recognized career advice agency 6. The course must lead to a personal learning action plan.
(7) The Training Voucher may be used for a BBL course if the temporary worker chooses to do so.
Training covered by the Law implementing EU Directive on transparent and predictable working conditions is not eligible for reimbursement because the employer must pay for it.
Doorzaam is at all times entitled to withdraw a Training Voucher if it is subsequently found that it does not meet the conditions.
10. If there is any doubt about whether training fits within this allowance please contact Lone.
Article 4 - Payment and validity
1. The complete and correct submission of the requested information is necessary to be reimbursed for the training expenses incurred.
The Training Voucher shall be valid for 4 months after Lonely approves it.
3. The temporary worker shall inform Doorzaam truthfully and shall only apply for reimbursements for training actually carried out. Doorzaam may verify (or have verified) the information provided itself or by an independent third party.
4. The temporary worker does not receive money, but a digital voucher worth €500.
(5) The Training Voucher cannot be exchanged for cash.
(6) The temporary worker will not receive a residual cash payment.
Article 5 - Liability
Lone is not responsible for work performed by others under this fee.
Article 6 - Final provision
In all cases not covered by these regulations, the Board of Doorzaam shall decide.
Development Budget
Article 1 - Definitions.
Persistent 1.
The Doorzaam Foundation, hereinafter referred to as Doorzaam.
Employee/ temporary employee hereinafter referred to as temporary employee.
The person, who has entered into an employment contract in the sense of Art. 7:690 of the Civil Code.
Coaches 3.
Coaches deployed to counsel temporary workers on the outcome of the Sustainable Employability Scan (DIS) and any follow-up steps. The coaches work at pre-selected agencies
Sustainable employability (DI) intervention budget 4.
The allowance available to the temporary worker to improve their own sustainable employability, appropriate within the terms and objectives of Sustainable.
Article 2 - Conditions for temporary workers
The temporary worker meets all conditions 2:
a. The temporary worker has little opportunity for a future-proof position and/or the current position is not future-proof. and
b. The coaching from Development Budget has added value for the temporary worker and
c. The temporary worker works in Phase A/B or Phase 1-2/3 and has not yet reached retirement age.
The temporary worker is motivated to participate in the pathway. The temporary worker must also fulfill the agreements made and give priority to this pathway.
3. The temporary worker may apply for a Development Budget once every two years.
The Development Budget cannot be used when:
5. When registering for the course, it is already clear what is needed as a follow-up step (the coaching then offers no added value).
(6) Temporary workers who are long-term sick cannot participate in this program, even if the agency continues to pay their wages.
7. The temporary worker is already undergoing training/intervention, or has already been registered for training/intervention.
Article 3 - Conditions and determination of deployment of coaches
Lone has made arrangements with coaching parties for the use of coaches for the Development Budget 1.
Lone will pay the cost of employing coaches during the Development Budget.
Lone determines which coaching party the temporary worker will be paired with.
Article 4 - Conditions of intervention budget and choice
(1) The allowance is a maximum of €2,500 and is intended to increase the sustainable employability of the temporary worker.
Compensation shall be a contribution to improving sustainable employability if no other opportunities or provisions are available.
The reimbursement can only be used for follow-up step(s) proposed in the Development Budget and listed on the coach's intervention form. The reimbursement may be used for multiple follow-up steps and it must be a logical extension of the outcomes of the DIS completed with the coach.
4. Lone checks through a spot check whether the follow-up step fits the Development Budget. This is assessed, among other things, on how important it is for the labor market and the rules which the tax authorities maintain for reimbursements to employees.
Invoices of the chosen follow-up step(s) must be submitted within 10 months of approval. If the follow-up step cannot start or be billed within this time period, it is wise to look at another option that fits the fee.
6. If the follow-up step costs more than €2,500, the temporary worker pays the additional costs himself.
7. The allowance is not redeemable for cash and the temporary worker will not be paid the amount left in cash.
(8) The follow-up step(s) must be purchased from officially certified providers. The follow-up step may not be procured from proprietary parties of the temporary worker's employing organization or parties affiliated with it (such as sister organizations).
9. The following follow-up steps are excluded:
a. Full-time courses
b. BBL courses
c. Trainings/interventions that have already started-or were already planning before the start of the Development Budget
d. Training covered by the Law implementing EU Directive on transparent and predictable working conditions
e. Subscriptions/ licenses/ learning platforms
f. Follow-up step(s) for non-labor market related work
g. Follow-up step(s) where labor market opportunities are small/nil
h. Driver's license A, AM and B.
i. Loose products, non-compulsory learning materials and loose books
j. Follow-up step(s) abroad or from abroad
k. Travel and subsistence expenses
l. Follow-up step(s) focused on a career abroad
Article 5 - Liability
Lone is not responsible for work performed by others under this fee.
Article 6 - Final provision
In all cases not covered by these regulations, the Board of Doorzaam shall decide.
Less Stress More Energy
Article 1 - Definitions.
Persistent 1.
The Doorzaam Foundation, hereinafter referred to as Doorzaam
Employee/ temporary employee, hereinafter referred to as temporary employee 2.
The person, who has entered into an employment contract in the sense of Art. 7:690 of the Civil Code.
Less stress more energy 3.
The Less Stress More Energy program which is implemented by Lesstress.
Article 2 - Conditions Less stress more energy
(1) The temporary worker is employed by a staffing organization in Phase A|B or 1-2|3.
Temporary workers who are sick for a long time cannot participate in this program, even if the temporary agency continues to pay their wages.
(3) The temporary worker is motivated to participate in the coaching program.
Article 3 - Payment and validity.
1. Doorzaam has made arrangements with an external party for the Less Stress More Energy program. This party sends the bill directly to Doorzaam.
(2) Compensation is not redeemable for cash.
(3) Per calendar year, a temporary worker can participate in the Less Stress More Energy program once.
Article 4 - Liability
Lone is not responsible for work performed by others under this fee.
Article 5 - Final provision
In all cases not covered by these regulations, the Board of Doorzaam shall decide.
Budget Coaching
Article 1 - Definitions.
Persistent 1.
The Doorzaam Foundation, hereinafter referred to as Doorzaam.
Employee/ temporary employee hereinafter referred to as temporary employee.
The person, who has entered into an employment contract in the sense of Art. 7:690 of the Civil Code.
Budget coaching 3.
This allowance consists of coaching with the goal of getting and keeping the temporary worker's finances in order.
Article 2 - Conditions and determination of compensation
1. The Foundation may grant budget coaching to the temporary worker. This allowance is intended to contribute to increasing the temporary worker's sustainable employability.
Budget coaching can be requested during the calendar year until the total number Doorzaam has to give away is reached.
Budget coaching is billed by the Budget Coach directly to the Foundation 3.
(4) Compensation is not redeemable for cash.
Article 3 - Terms and Conditions of Budget Coaching.
(1) The temporary worker is employed by a staffing organization in Phase A|B or 1-2|3.
Temporary workers who are sick for a long time cannot participate in this program, even if the temporary agency continues to pay their wages.
(3) The temporary worker is motivated to participate in the coaching program.
Article 4 - Conditions and determination of commitment Budget Coaching
Budget coaching shall be performed by a provider chosen by Doorzaam 1.
Article 5 - Liability
Lone is not responsible for work performed by others under this fee.
Article 6 - Final provision
In all cases not covered by these regulations, the Board of Doorzaam shall decide.
Dutch Language Budget
Article 1 - Definitions.
Persistent 1.
The Doorzaam Foundation, hereinafter referred to as Doorzaam.
Employee/ temporary employee hereinafter referred to as temporary employee.
The person, who has entered into an employment contract in the sense of Art. 7:690 of the Civil Code.
Dutch Language Budget 3.
An allowance worth up to €1500 for improving the working temporary worker's Dutch language.
Article 2 - Dutch Language Budget terms and conditions
(1) The temporary worker is employed by a staffing organization in Phase A|B or 1-2|3.
The temporary worker has no other valid applications for other compensation with Lone at the time of application.
The temporary worker is motivated to participate in the program 3.
4. The temporary worker has no, or a moderate, command of the Dutch language and needs a floor in order to perform his work safely.
(5) The temporary worker must not have already started the language course when applying for the allowance.
6. The Dutch Language Budget may be used for multiple language courses, up to a maximum of €1500.
7. It is not possible to use the Dutch Language Budget for training expenses incurred before the issue date of the allowance.
8. One Dutch Language Budget may be applied for per temporary worker per calendar year.
9. The available compensation shall not be redeemable for cash and the temporary worker shall not receive any
residual cash balance.
Article 3 - Terms of training
Training must be classroom-based (such as in a virtual class, in a group, or live) 2. Online self-studies are not reimbursed.
(2) The purpose of the training program must be to ensure that the temporary worker will, upon completion:
- Know more Dutch words.
- Be able to speak and listen better.
- Know more about subject- or industry-specific terms.
- Able to understand (simple) work instructions in Dutch for safe working practices.
(3) The training must not be internal training of the agency or hirer.
4. The Dutch Language Budget may not be used for an NT2 exam or an integration course.
5. The Dutch Language Budget may not be used for training at training parties that are affiliated with the temporary agency organization for which the temporary worker works (such as a sister organization).
(6) Temporary employees shall not be compensated for time spent on training.
(7) The price of the training must be reasonable. Lively may revoke the fee if these conditions are not met.
Article 4 - Liability
Lone is not responsible for work performed by others under this fee.
Article 5 - Final provision
In all cases not covered by these regulations, the Board of Doorzaam shall decide.