Advancing as a temporary employee within Administration

Do you want a career change as a temporary employee in an administrative role? Learn new things and have more responsibility in your work? The Doorzaam Foundation will help you further.

Opportunities for advancement are plentiful. Whether you work at a small company or a large organization. If you feel like continuing your education, anything is possible. For example, would you like to learn how to do accounting more efficiently? Or perhaps you would like to learn more about working with AI? We would be happy to help you with one of our fees. It's your future, so you decide.

Doorzaam is there for you. Founded by the unions and employment agencies to help temporary workers advance in their careers. This is how we give you the chance to work healthy, safe and enjoyable. Apply for one of our budgets today.

Why develop

Take administrative training or courses with Doorzaam

By improving your skills and knowledge, you will soon be able to work more efficiently and accurately. This will keep your work varied and therefore more fun. You will also become more valuable to your employer and increase your chances of job security. This way you will continue to enjoy your work in the future.

You can go in many directions within the administrative sector. And for each profession within this sector there are many different courses and trainings. So there is always an education that suits you.

To get you started, Doorzaam offers four different budgets that will allow you to continue your development within your sector. It does not matter if you want to do a training, personal development or retraining.

 Doorzaam supports you every step of the way. As long as it contributes to your professional or personal development. Apply directly for the Job Opportunity Budget, the Dutch Language Budget, the Development Budget or a Schooling Voucher .

Why develop

Tips for sustainable work in administration

Are you looking for a safe and healthy future alongside an education? In addition to compensation for development, Doorzaam also supports your health and safety. After all, an administrative job can be very stressful.

Tight deadlines, difficult tasks, the same work over and over again and the many responsibilities can all contribute to a high level of psychological strain. Resulting in too much stress. That's why Doorzaam offers help, with Less stress, more energy. During this program you will learn to better cope with stress. From your phone and it only costs you 15 minutes a day.

Do you suffer from physical complaints due to your work? While at work, make sure you have access to an ergonomic workstation to prevent complaints. Because sitting too long and incorrectly in front of a computer is bad for your body. With complaints to your back, joints and eyes as a result. For more useful tips, visit our knowledge base.

How we help you

Compensation that allows you to further develop yourself

Are you working as a temporary employee? And would you like to continue your development? Then our free budgets are for you! Work on yourself, your future or your employment opportunity. For every stage of your career.



Budget Coaching

Varied work, but not getting steady pay or not working at all for a while. It's sometimes hard to make ends meet. We give you {{advice}} on all kinds of money matters.


Job Opportunity Budget

Do you have few job opportunities? Occupations such as healthcare or education are in high demand. Receive budget up to {{€1500}} and increase your job prospects.


Less Stress More Energy

Do you suffer from stress? Do you want to be more comfortable in your own skin? Using practical tools, you will find out how to get your situation under {{control}}.


Dutch Language Budget

Want to learn to speak, read or write better Dutch? With a budget up to {{€1500}} you will increase your knowledge so you can do your job well and safely.


Development Budget

Are you stuck in your career or private life? And don't really know what you want yet? Work with a coach on what matters to you and receive a budget of up to {{€2500}}.


Schooling voucher

Are you interested in training? With a budget of up to {{€500}} you can choose an education or course to take for your (future) work.

With 390+ organizations, we work on health, safety and development

About Doorzaam

How we help you work on yourself, your future or your job prospects

Taking control of your work

As a temporary worker, you want a full income, job security and future prospects. And that applies not only to now, but also until retirement.

An illustration of a person with a megaphone.

The right fee for your situation

Whether you want to retrain or upskill, learn how to handle money or get better at Dutch, we help you take the right step with our fees.

Wondering what fits your goals?

Use our quiz to find out within 5 minutes which compensation best suits your situation or ambition.

An illustration of someone thinking.

Discover, learn & grow

With the right resources and information, you'll continue to grow and learn throughout your life, making your career as a temporary worker ever-changing.

An illustration of a graduate.
Frequently Asked Questions

Answers to frequently asked questions

Is your question not listed? Then please contact us. We are happy to help you further!

How can Doorzaam offer the budgets for free?

Doorzaam receives part of the settlement through the Social Fund for the Temporary Employment Industry SFU. From this money we can offer temporary workers free budgets.

How often may I use the Schooling Voucher as a temporary worker?

As a temporary worker, if you meet the conditions applicable at the time, you may apply for a Schooling Voucher once per calendar year.

Can I combine Less Stress More Energy with my work?

Yes, the Less Stress More Energy training is designed to fit easily into your daily routine. It only takes you 15 minutes a day, making it easy to combine with work and other commitments.

Do I have to take a course or training to use the Development Budget?

No, taking a course or training is not mandatory. Together with a coach you determine how you can best use your personal budget of €2500 for your development. This can also be done through coaching conversations or lifestyle advice without following a course.

What courses can I take?

Doorzaam is not a training organization. We do not provide training or courses ourselves. But we do help you make training possible. We do this by offering budgets.

Choice aid

Need help choosing the right budget?

Find out within 1 minute which budget is best for you.

Take the quiz
An illustration of someone thinking.

Questions? Please contact us. We'd love to help!

Get in touch
An illustration of a person making a phone call.
A temporary worker wearing safety glasses working on a piece of wood.