Advancing as a temporary employee within Retail Sales

Are you a temporary worker working in a supermarket, a store or at a web shop? As a temporary worker in retail, you have plenty of opportunities to develop yourself and advance your career. Doorzaam is happy to help you further.

It doesn't matter what kind of store you work in or how long you've been working at your current job. If you feel like learning, anything is possible.

Do you wonder how you can develop as a temporary employee? And how you can contribute to the best possible experience for your clients? See what Doorzaam can do for you.

Why develop

Take training or courses within the retail industry with Doorzaam

Do you want to increase your chances of job security? By improving your skills and knowledge, you will soon be able to work more efficiently and accurately.

With the right training, you can soon improve your sales skills, management skills or logistics skills. By continuing to develop yourself, your work will remain varied and fun. This will keep you motivated in the future.

As a temporary retail worker, you have many opportunities for advancement. Maybe you eventually want to become a team leader, or a branch manager. Or you maybe you want to learn more about the products you sell? Then a course on fashion might suit you, or a vocational course in interior design. Your future is in your own hands.

Doorzaam offers four different budgets for temporary workers that can take you further in your professional and personal development. These are the Job Opportunity Budget, the Dutch Language Budget, the Development Budget and the Schooling Voucher. If you are a temporary worker, you can make use of these compensations without any obligation.

Why develop

Tips for working sustainably in your store

Are you a temporary worker looking to improve your physical and mental health in the workplace? At Doorzaam we support you to work healthy, safe and with pleasure. We believe that temporary workers in retail should be able to work in a sustainable way. So they can continue to do what they are good at in the future.

In fact, working in a retail or online store can be very stressful. Overwork, unpleasant experiences with customers and tight deadlines are common and quickly cause stress. And that, in turn, can cause physical complaints and, in some cases, lead to a burnout. Do you suffer from stress and would you like to prevent it? Then sign up for Less Stress, More Energy. During this program you will learn within 6 weeks how to deal better with stress, simply from your cell phone.

We also understand that financial problems can cause stress. That's why we offer Budget Coaching specifically for temporary workers who have financial worries. With Budget Coaching, you'll go through your financial situation with a coach and get helpful tips so you can get back on your feet financially.

How we help you

Compensation that allows you to further develop yourself

Are you working as a temporary employee? And would you like to continue your development? Then our free budgets are for you! Work on yourself, your future or your employment opportunity. For every stage of your career.



Budget Coaching

Varied work, but not getting steady pay or not working at all for a while. It's sometimes hard to make ends meet. We give you {{advice}} on all kinds of money matters.


Job Opportunity Budget

Do you have few job opportunities? Occupations such as healthcare or education are in high demand. Receive budget up to {{€1500}} and increase your job prospects.


Less Stress More Energy

Do you suffer from stress? Do you want to be more comfortable in your own skin? Using practical tools, you will find out how to get your situation under {{control}}.


Dutch Language Budget

Want to learn to speak, read or write better Dutch? With a budget up to {{€1500}} you will increase your knowledge so you can do your job well and safely.


Development Budget

Are you stuck in your career or private life? And don't really know what you want yet? Work with a coach on what matters to you and receive a budget of up to {{€2500}}.


Schooling voucher

Are you interested in training? With a budget of up to {{€500}} you can choose an education or course to take for your (future) work.

With 390+ organizations, we work on health, safety and development

About Doorzaam

How we help you work on yourself, your future or your job prospects

Taking control of your work

As a temporary worker, you want a full income, job security and future prospects. And that applies not only to now, but also until retirement.

An illustration of a person with a megaphone.

The right fee for your situation

Whether you want to retrain or upskill, learn how to handle money or get better at Dutch, we help you take the right step with our fees.

Wondering what fits your goals?

Use our quiz to find out within 5 minutes which compensation best suits your situation or ambition.

An illustration of someone thinking.

Discover, learn & grow

With the right resources and information, you'll continue to grow and learn throughout your life, making your career as a temporary worker ever-changing.

An illustration of a graduate.
Frequently Asked Questions

Answers to frequently asked questions

Is your question not listed? Then please contact us. We are happy to help you further!

How can Doorzaam offer the budgets for free?

Doorzaam receives part of the settlement through the Social Fund for the Temporary Employment Industry SFU. From this money we can offer temporary workers free budgets.

I received my Schooling Voucher but no longer work for the employment agency. What now?

You may simply still use the Schooling Voucher in that case.

What is Budget Coaching?

Budget coaching is a process in which you receive personal guidance to improve your financial situation. A coach helps you gain insight into your income and expenses, and supports you in making a plan to pay off debts and create a stable financial basis.

What do I need to attend the Less Stress More Energy training?

To attend the training, you will need a smartphone for the app that tracks your daily stress measurements and gives assignments. You also need weekly access to a computer or smartphone for the video call with your coach.

Choice aid

Need help choosing the right budget?

Find out within 1 minute which budget is best for you.

Take the quiz
An illustration of someone thinking.

Questions? Please contact us. We'd love to help!

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An illustration of a person making a phone call.
A temporary worker wearing safety glasses working on a piece of wood.