These professions are covered by the Opportunity Professional Budget
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These professions are covered by the Opportunity Professional Budget

With the Kansberoepbudget you can retrain yourself for a promising profession. Doorzaam reimburses your training or course to a maximum of €1,500. But how do you know which profession falls under this budget? We explain it to you in this article!

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Maybe you recognize it. You would like to change professions or like to have a better chance of getting a job. In that case, you need to do some training so that you can retrain or upskill. We make a budget available for this. In the form of the Kansberoepbudget. As a temporary worker, you can use this allowance for training or a course to prepare yourself for a promising profession.

What occupations are covered by the Job Opportunity Budget?

The Opportunity Vocation Budget can only be used for retraining to a high-potential profession. These are professions in which there are currently many shortages and therefore high demand. We use the UWV's Promising Occupations list for this purpose. Sectors currently in high demand are:

  • Construction
  • Installation
  • Industry
  • Transportation & logistics
  • Safety
  • Retail
  • Hospitality
  • Agriculture, nature and environment
  • Cleaning
  • Finance and administration
  • Education
  • Healthcare

Note! This does not mean that there is a labor shortage in the entire sector. Often this concerns certain occupations within these sectors. Examples of occupations that are expected to remain long-term promising occupations include teachers, programmers and nurses.

The UWV's promising occupations list

Wondering if there is an occupation on there that you are interested in? Then take a look at the UWV list mentioned above. This list is kept up-to-date by the UWV. The labor market is constantly changing and the job opportunities for these professions change over the years. It is therefore possible that professions that are currently on the list will no longer be there in a few months.

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