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What can you learn during Doorzaam's Storytelling Webinar?
On Thursday, April 17 at 19:00, Doorzaam is hosting the webinar Storytelling. During this webinar especially for temporary workers you will learn all about good communication and how to make your wishes regarding your work and your development clear.
Sign upSign up for the waiting listStay informedIn our webinar we will show you the power of storytelling through inspiring examples. After all, communication and stories play a big role in the workplace. Maybe you are struggling with something? Would you like to grow? Or would you like something to change?
Not sure how to address this? Then this webinar is for you!
Making it clear what you mean
This webinar is presented by Harry Slagman. Expert when it comes to communicating with people!
During this webinar, he will show you the best way to tell a story by making it your own. By sharing personal experiences in your talk and using metaphors. After all, this is how you can get your message across in a fun way.
Whether it is your colleagues or manager, but also at home with your partner, friends or at your (sports) club.
How can you use your personal experiences to convince others? How can you make clear what you mean by using examples? And how can you get what you want done?
Using a few exercises, you can outline your personal story during this webinar. Not so keen on sharing your experiences? Then you can also just do these exercises at your own leisure at home after the webinar!
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