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Taking BBL training as a temp: What do you need to know?
Are you working as a temporary worker and would like to continue learning without quitting your job? Then maybe hands-on learning suits you. Learning and working at the same time. Through a BBL training program.
Sign upSign up for the waiting listStay informedGetting an education as a temporary worker can sometimes be challenging. Because you are working, you keep little time for other things. On top of that, your working hours also change all the time.
The BBL track offers a solution to this.
What is a BBL training program?
BBL stands for Beroepsbegeleidende Leerweg. BBL is a learning route within the mbo that you follow in practice. Just at work.
The track is ideal for people who want to combine work with training. Especially useful if you are a temporary worker who wants to continue developing, but would like to keep working.
In a BBL training program, as a student, you will spend most of your time working at an approved apprenticeship company, where you will be supervised by an expert in the trade. In addition, you usually attend classes one or two days a week at an MBO school to obtain the necessary theoretical knowledge for an MBO education.
While following a BBL course, you will continue to be paid as usual. In fact, temporary workers following a BBL course are entitled to at least the minimum wage. So you can also receive more than the minimum wage.
Who are BBL courses for?
You may take a BBL course if you have obtained a vmbo diploma or if you have spent several years at havo or vwo. Your vmbo diploma must match the desired BBL training. If you want to follow a BBL course at MBO level 2, you must at least have a vmbo basic diploma. For a BBL at MBO level 3 you need at least a vmbo framework diploma.
The admission requirements of a BBL track at MBO level 4 vary from school to school. Some schools are stricter and require at least a havo diploma. But usually a mixed or theoretical course is sufficient. You can always ask the school.
For BBL training, you must be at least 16 years old.
What you need to know before starting a BBL training program
At the Doorzaam Foundation, we like to see temporary workers continue to develop. An education not only offers the possibility of a higher salary, but also provides personal growth and job security for the future. It is not for nothing that a BBL training course is often used within the temporary employment sector.
The nice thing about taking a BBL course as a temporary worker is that it is fully reimbursed by your temp agency. A recognized person within the agency then acts as a mentor and works with you to complete your MBO training. To follow a BBL track at your temporary employment agency, the company must be a recognized training company. You can recognize this by the Quality Mark for Apprenticeship Intermediaries. Check with your employer whether they have this quality mark.
Have you come across another education, course or training besides a BBL track that you would like to take? Lone helps you with our reimbursements. Thanks to our reimbursements, we offer the budget you need to continue your development.
Why take a BBL course?
Taking a BBL course has many advantages. First of all, it is of course useful if you want to maintain an income, but still like to continue developing. In other words, working and learning at the same time.
You can use a BBL track for several purposes. For example, if you have taken a partial course in the past, but were unable to complete it due to circumstances. Or if you want to change professions. Perhaps you have spent your whole life taking care of your family and are starting the job market at an older age.
Tens of thousands of temporary workers have gone before you and taken advantage of a BBL pathway.
Contact your staffing organization if you are interested in a BBL track.
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