What will change for you as a temporary worker in 2025?
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What will change for you as a temporary worker in 2025?

2025 is a year full of change when it comes to work. Taxes are falling, the general tax credit is dropping and the minimum wage has gone up again. What will change for you?

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Good news for some people ... bad news for others. 2025 has begun and that means a lot can change about your wallet. Wages are going up, but prices will continue to rise this year as well. How will this affect you?

Wages and benefits go up

Wages and benefits are going up another notch. This is because many collective bargaining agreements have agreed on wage increases averaging 4.5%. The minimum wage will also increase by more than 5%. Do you receive benefits such as welfare, Wajong or AOW? Then your benefit will also go up, because it is linked to the minimum wage.

Note: Not everyone gets more pay right away. It may vary by industry and employer when you notice a pay increase.

Supplements change, minimum wage increases

Do you get allowances such as health care allowance or rent allowance? This will change in 2025:

  • Care allowance: €7 extra per month
  • Rent allowance: Multi-person households are now also reimbursed for a portion of the rent above the capping threshold. This was previously the case for singles and the elderly as well.
  • Child budget: the amount per child goes up €6. Are you a single parent? Then the additional amount decreases by €7 per month.

Minimum wage

Minimum wage increases 2.75% by 2025

Groceries and healthcare continue to get more expensive

The Dutch Bank expects prices to rise by an average of 3.2 percent in 2025. In 2024, average prices have already increased by 3.3 percent.

Premiums for basic health insurance also increased by an average of €11.

Purchasing power

So in short, on average, wages are up 4.5 percent and there will be an expected price increase of 3.2 percent this year.

On average, purchasing power is up 0.4 percent. But it is not equally rosy for everyone. In fact, your purchasing power can vary between a 2.3 percent decrease and a 2.4 percent increase.

So not everyone is improving.

Budget Coaching

Are you worried about your financial situation? As a temporary worker, you can use Budget Coaching free of charge.

With Budget Coaching, under the guidance of a coach, you get the support you need to regain control of your finances

Would you like to learn more about Budget Coaching? Then click here.

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