What the Development Budget can do for your career - Judith
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What the Development Budget can do for your career - Judith

Judith had always thought that her academic title would open doors for her. "I thought that once I had that academic title, the world would open up to me and everyone would want me," Judith says. She had worked hard to go from mavo, havo, vwo to university. But reality proved otherwise. "It just wouldn't work out and I really did all kinds of things," she says.

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The first steps to change

At one point, Judith began to lose hope for a job. She felt desperate and less confident. "I was not often invited to interviews," she explains. This was when Lonesome's Development Budget came into the picture. "When Judith and I first met, she had been out of a job and less confident for some time," says her coach. "That was the first thing we focused on: rebuilding her confidence."

The Development Budget

The Development Budget provides budget for a (job) coach and, in addition, possibly a training or course. "I thought: I should just go all the way for both," Judith recalls. Although she was skeptical about the job training, she decided to participate anyway. "I thought beforehand that job training courses were open doors. I already knew everything, but it just didn't work out."

During the program, Judith worked on her self-confidence and skills. "A lot we talked about what you are good at and what you like," she says. Through tests, exercises and games, she kept coming back to her strengths. "This is me and I can do this," she began to believe.

Renewed confidence

With renewed confidence and new insights, Judith began applying again, but now with more focus and modified letters. "As long as you don't really answer the questions, of course they don't know what they have on you," she explains. It worked. "I was invited for four interviews and for two of them I was invited for a second interview. And I got exactly the job I wanted." 

Inspiration for others

Judith's coach is proud of her success. "When Judith finally had the redeeming call and shares it with me, I'm almost as happy as Judith is," the coach says. "I know where she is coming from and what very did for."

Judith recommends the Development Budget to everyone. "At one of those times when you just don't know it all anymore and have given up hope, it's good to work on yourself," she says. "You find out you can do a lot more than you think."

Judith's story shows how important it is to keep developing yourself and to ask for help when things don't work out. The Development Budget can help you achieve your goals and regain confidence in yourself.

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