What is sustainable employability and why is it good to be involved in it?
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What is sustainable employability and why is it good to be involved in it?

Do you also see the term "sustainable employability" come up so often? So do we. But what does it actually mean to you? Sustainable employability is about being healthy and fit, both physically and mentally.It also means having your finances in order and having good language and digital skills. In short, it's about being skilled and focused on your future!

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Why sustainable employability is important to you

Sustainable employability (development) is important for everyone, whether you are happy with your job or not. Maybe you work to make ends meet or because you think your job is the best job. Either way, developing helps you move with all the changes in the job market. So it is smart to start working on your sustainable employability. This increases your chances of employment and improves the quality of your work.

How can Lone help?

We, Doorzaam, the fund for temporary workers, would like to help you improve your sustainable employability. We offer various compensations free of charge. Why do we do this? Because we want temporary workers to be able to work healthily, safely and with pleasure. We offer support for your career, learning and money matters. 

How do you apply for reimbursement?

It's very simple. You can apply for one of our allowances to work on your sustainable employability. Not sure which allowance is right for you now? Then take our quiz. It will help you make the right choice.

Why are these fees free?

You may be wondering how it is possible that Doorzaam offers these benefits free of charge to temporary workers. Here's how: the collective bargaining agreements (CBAs) for temporary workers state that training and education are important. Because of these regulations, the temporary worker organization has two obligations:

Lone receives a portion of these payments through the SFU. With this money, we can offer free benefits to temporary workers. Thus, nothing is deducted from your salary.

What can you use our fees for?

Our fees can help you in several areas:

  • Reimbursement for training and retraining: Improve your skills or retrain yourself for another profession.
  • Financial Help: Get help from a Budget Coach to get your finances in order.
  • Reimbursement for stress management: attend a 6-week training program to better manage stress.

By working on your employability, you not only increase your chances on the job market, but also increase the quality of your work and your job satisfaction. Doorzaam is ready to help you with various allowances.

Whether you are looking for training, financial help or stress management, we are here for you. Take the first step today and find out how we can help you.

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