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3 Financial tips for temporary workers
It may be a familiar problem. Everything is getting more expensive your pay is still some time away and the pay you get this month is also lower because there was less work for you. So how do you make ends meet as a temporary worker?
Sign upSign up for the waiting listStay informedWe understand that it is sometimes difficult to make ends meet financially. For temporary workers, this can be an extra challenge in some cases. Late or incomplete wages, difficulties in obtaining compensation, uncertainties about taxes or insufficient information about the wages you receive. These are common problems that we hear about with temporary workers.
Financial stress
There can be all kinds of reasons why money worries arise. A divorce, a sudden financial setback or simply important life products that have become a lot more expensive.
The first money matters can quickly lead to uncertainty and fear. Financial stress, in other words. Financial stress is, unfortunately, something that many people have to deal with on a daily basis. This can lead to mental complaints, insomnia and even burnout.
How do you avoid financial problems as a temporary worker? 3 tips
Do you want to get a little more financial space? We have drawn up three useful tips especially for temporary workers. With these three tips, you will gain a better understanding of your income and expenses and find out the possibilities to get back on top. With the help of the schemes of Doorzaam.
Draw up a monthly budget
A budget provides more clarity about how much money you spend each month and how much you receive each month. Nibud monthly budget is a good example of this. By means of a handy Excel file in which you can fill in your financial situation. This way you immediately know how much money you have left over or are short each month.
If you don't have access to Microsoft Excel, you can fill it in via a free program such as Google Sheets.
What do you prioritize?
Make an overview of all your expenses in a month and put them together. Put the most important expenses such as groceries or your rent and your gas/electricity/water at the top. Put less important expenses at the bottom. This will give you a list of all your expenses in order of how important they are to you personally. Make sure that the most important costs are always paid first, even if it means cutting back in other areas. Make sure you always have some room to save.
Set up a savings plan
If you have financial space, try to set aside a small amount each month for emergencies or your personal goals, such as a vacation, car, or education. Even a small contribution can make a big difference in the long run.
Free help via Doorzaam
Especially for temporary workers, Stichting Doorzaam offers budget coaching. Through Budget Coaching you have free access to advice on your money matters. Where a professional gives you a personal Budget insight. Do you have money problems and are struggling to pay bills? Then there is also the possibility to have a conversation with a Budget Coach.
It is completely free for temporary workers to use these services. Your financial information is completely private and will not be shared. Not even with your client or your employment agency.
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