Stress increasingly leads to illness
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Stress increasingly leads to illness

Workers are increasingly sick due to symptoms related to stress. Meanwhile, 1 in 4 sick days is related to stress! And that figure rises every year. As a temporary worker, how do you avoid getting into such a stress situation? You can read about it here!

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Stress can have several causes. Too much work, uncertainty about your job or personal situations, such as money worries or problems within your family. Occasional stress is human and not necessarily bad. But being in a stressful situation for too long can cause problems such as illness or even burnout.

Why is stress such a problem?

Do you suffer from stress for an extended period of time? Then you may suffer from fatigue, insomnia and headaches. As a result, you may end up missing one or more days! And of course you don't want that...

Stress increasingly a cause of illness

Research by various occupational health and safety services shows that stress in the workplace is only getting worse and people are increasingly calling in sick because they suffer from stress. In 2024, the health and safety services already saw an 8% increase compared to the previous year.

What can you do to reduce stress?

Lone can help you reduce stress and get through the day healthy and with happiness again.

Less stress, more energy

Our 6-week training can help you get more energy. 'Less stress, more energy' is a training where you get 15 minutes a day of support for your mental health. Our training offers personal guidance and practical tools to effectively reduce stress and increase energy. With attention to your needs, you will learn techniques that fit your situation and lifestyle.

Through a handy app and weekly video calls with your coach, you will receive continuous support. With daily assignments and stress measurements, you keep track of your progress and receive feedback to step by step lower your stress level and increase energy.

Are you a temporary worker? Then sign up for "Less Stress, More Energy" for free here.

Budget Coaching

Are you suffering from stress due to financial problems. Then you can sign up for free Budget Coaching.

With the help of an experienced coach, your finances are mapped out and you learn where you can make improvements. You will receive personal attention, practical advice and help to get your money matters in order.

Learn more about Budget Coaching here!

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