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Budget Coaching: The story of temporary worker Pedro
Do you suffer from money problems? Are you getting into debt or do you feel like you're having less and less money left every month? Pedro was in a similar situation. As a temporary worker, he suffered from money problems. Curious how he went about this? Check out Pedro's full story here!
Sign upSign up for the waiting listStay informedPedro developed money worries due to the uncertainty of working as a temp. The number of assignments at his job became less and less, so he panicked a bit. After all, fewer assignments meant less income.
When he started looking for a solution, he ended up at Doorzaam through his employer:
Budget Coaching
With Budget Coaching , you as a temporary worker get the opportunity to take a look at your financial situation together with a coach. An appropriate course of action is then drawn up together with a coach. In this way, together you provide more security and prevent payment arrears.
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