How budget coaching can help you: the personal story of Dani
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How budget coaching can help you: the personal story of Dani

Meet Dani and Franklin, two temporary workers who got their lives back on track thanks to Doorzaam's Budget Coaching. Their loans were modified, financial matters were taken care of and more peace came into their lives.

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Meet Dani and Franklin

Dani, 37, and Franklin, 55, are both temporary workers. They first met in Spain at a big party in Madrid and instantly fell in love. Franklin was already living in the Netherlands and asked Dani to go with him. After spending time together, they then got married.

After two years together in Holland, Franklin suffered a stroke. This changed their lives drastically. Dani, who was used to Franklin taking care of everything - from paperwork to insurance and payments - suddenly had to do everything himself. He had no idea where to start or who to contact. The situation became even more difficult as he became financially strapped. Watch the personal story in this video.

The help of Lively

Fortunately, they came in contact with Doorzaam. Through Doorzaam Budget Coaching, they met budget coach Angely. From then on, everything changed. Angely helped them with their financial problems, arranged a cab for Franklin to go to daycare, and took care of the paperwork with the UWV and CZ.

Budget coaching not only helped them with their finances, but also brought peace to their lives. Angely taught Dani how to manage his financial affairs and how to keep an overview. This gave Dani the confidence to handle things independently, which was important for his integration in the Netherlands.


A new start

Doorzaam's reimbursement for a budget coach brought not only financial peace but also emotional stability. Dani felt proud of himself for being able to arrange things independently. This helped him to integrate better in the Netherlands. Franklin, who had a lot of stress due to his illness, was able to make strides in his recovery thanks to the peace of mind the Budget Coaching brought.

Thanks to Budget Coaching, Dani and Franklin got their lives back on track. Their loans were adjusted, their financial affairs were taken care of and there was more peace in their lives. This gave Franklin the space to focus on his recovery and Dani the ability to continue doing his job without constant worry.


Inspiration for other temporary workers

Dani and Franklin's story shows the importance of asking for and accepting help. Budget coaching can make a big difference, not only in financial stability, but also in creating peace of mind and well-being. At Doorzaam, we are proud to contribute to the well-being of agency workers like Dani and Franklin.

We hope their story inspires other temporary workers to take advantage of the help available and to see that there is always a way forward, no matter what challenges they face. By following Dani and Franklin's example, other agency workers can also improve their lives and secure their futures.


The Power of Budget Coaching

Budget coaching is an important resource forwards who need help with their finances. It not only provides solutions to current problems, but also helps build a better future. Lone offers this coaching because we believe in the power of support and guidance. With the right help, temporary workers can overcome their financial problems and build a more stable life.

Dani and Franklin are living examples of how Budget Coaching can change lives. Their story shows that, with the right support, agency workers can improve not only their financial situation, but also their overall well-being. This leads to a happier, healthier and more stable future.

Take the step, ask for help and discover the possibilities that Budget Coaching offers.


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