From workload to work happiness
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From workload to work happiness

As a temporary worker, you may face a variety of challenges in the workplace. From a changing work schedule and high workload to the lack of regular colleagues; it can all ultimately contribute to stress and uncertainty. Yet it is possible to move from work pressure to job satisfaction!

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How do you ensure that you enjoy going to work now and in the future? That you can get out of bed easily and with energy. And that while at work you don't have to look at the clock all the time until your shift is over.

That the time just flies by and then you can go home happy.

What is workload?

Work pressure means you have too much work and not enough time to finish it, or don't like your work enough and don't feel like putting a lot of energy into it.

Work pressure can lead to stress. But being unhappy at work can also lead to stress Which in turn can cause health problems. How do you get rid of this unhappy feeling? After all, your work is a place where you spend much of your time.

How do you make sure you will like your work?

How do you achieve work happiness?

At Doorzaam, our goal is to ensure that every temporary worker is happy. But how do you achieve job happiness?

Maybe you are still at the beginning of your career and are not so sure what you want to be later. Or maybe you've been working for a while and want to find your work happiness elsewhere. How you achieve work happiness can be answered, by asking yourself 3 questions:

  • What are you good at?
  • What makes you happy?
  • What does the world need?

Together, these 3 questions represent your talent, contribution and mission . The 3 pillars of work happiness.

What suits you best?

How do you answer these 3 questions? Let's go through them.

What are you good at?

Back in school, you probably had a subject you were good at. Where the grades stood out against the rest. For example, have you always been good at languages? Then in many cases this means you were good at writing texts. Were you good at economics in school? Then an administrative job might be for you. And were you good at biology and find it interesting to learn about the human body, then a profession in health care, for example, is for you.

What makes you happy?

In the above way, you can also think about your hobbies. From your hobby, make it your job. A few examples:

  • If you like trying new recipes, you might become a chef at a restaurant.
  • People who enjoy gaming in their free time are more likely to plan to do something with programming and ICT.
  • If you enjoy gardening, then work as a landscaper or at a garden center might be for you.

What does the world need

What do you think the world needs? Is it a healthy life? A prosperous life? A good future?

Or maybe something completely different? If you are doing work that you feel is important to yourself or to the world, it quickly translates to job happiness.

Curious about the occupations most needed in the Netherlands? These are high-potential occupations. The UWV maintains a list of all high-potential occupations.

The 3 pillars of work happiness

These three questions make up the 3 pillars of happiness:

  • Talent
  • Contribution
  • Mission

What makes you happy and what you are good at is your talent. What the world needs and what you are good at is your contribution. And what makes you happy and what the world needs is your mission. So these three pillars together bring work happiness.

In short, to become happy in your work, you need to ask yourself the following questions. What do I enjoy? What am I good at? And what do I want to bring to the world? This is how you can arrive at work happy later.

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